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Where to Submit Alaska Stories

Alaska Publications

Alaska Women Speak is a quarterly journal devoted to their expression of ideas, literature and art. Their Mission: Alaska women have stories to tell. Check their site for themes and submission deadlines..

Alaska Writers Guild writing contests are open to the public. Submissions are open for 2024. Visit the site for a list of themes and deadlines.

Alaska Magazine considers unsolicited stories. You can read all the details here along with a list of their monthly themes for 2024.

Alaska Quarterly Review accepts fiction, poetry, drama and non-fiction.

Permafrost Magazine, Fairbanks. “We’re looking for flash essays, prose poems, hermit-crab stories, lyric essays, lists, anecdotes about your creepy uncle.” 

Alaskan Tales wants stories on these themes: Remember When, Bear Encounters, Fish Tales, Living in Alaska, North to Alaska, That time we almost died, Why Hello Mr. Moose, and unlisted topics. Your story would be recorded and appear on their podcast.

Alaska Daily News April 1 Poetry Day was held in 2024, check for it in 2025. Submissions are emailed to

Alaska Daily News Annual Statewide Creative Writing Contest, submissions closed in February 2024, look for submissions to open again fall 2024.

Anchorage Park Foundation plans to publish two newspaper-style publications a year, one at the start of June and the other in October. Next submission deadline is September 9. Email submissions to

Special Alaska Topics

The Alaska Railroad which celebrates its 100-year anniversary in 2023. You can learn more and submit your story here.

Do you have a Covid 19 story for the University of Alaska, Museum of the North. You can submit it here.

Recover Alaska is seeking stories of recovery from alcohol misuse. Submission form is here.

Alaska Business considers freelance stories. More information here.

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