Choose Fathom

Tips for Authors and Writers

Format Word® Documents

Tips to clean up your manuscript.

Format using styles.

Remove extra spaces and tabs.

Clean up justification.

High Resolution Files

Change Word® settings

to export high resolution files

with embedded fonts

and uncompressed images.

Write Your Life Story

Finding and keep track of ideas.

Get those ideas on paper.

Write a story a week.

Print a book of your stories.

Make Your Own Booklet

Turn your images and experiences

into an eight "page-turner" booklet.

Upload and format.

Download and print.

Writing Tips

Links to helpful writing tips.

Writing for Children

Thoughts for children's books.

Flash Fiction

Tips on writing flash fiction and non-fiction

Editing Tips

Links to helpful editing tips.

Submission Tips

Links to helpful submission tips.


Links to sites with research resources.

Text Stats

Calculators for checking reading ease, grade level and readability index.

Syllable counter for poetry or haiku.

Text Stats

Alaska Stories

Where to Submit Alaska Stories 

Alaska Stories

How to Edit Submittable Submissions

Markets and Resources

Links to market databases and writer's resource sites.

Markets and Resources




Free Downloadable Images

Linka to downloadable images.

Poetry Tips

Poetry Tips

Links to articles with tips.

Poetry Tips


Haiku Resourses

Links to Resources.

Poetry Tips


Organizing Poetry

Links to Resources.

Poetry Tips


Very Short Poetry

Where to Submit.

Poetry Tips


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