Adventures of Papa and Peanut
Adventures of Papa and Peanut
When a little girl named Peanut wants a day with her Papa, all she has to do is pick up the phone and ask. Papa can't possibly say no to such an invitation, and so their day of fun begins.
This heartwarming book is a sweet story about the special bond between a little girl and her loving grandpa.
Inspired by the author's own daughter and her Papa, the rhyming story brings their relationship to life on the page with over 25 full-color illustrations.
The book also includes bonus material about Utqiaġvik, Alaska, where the story is set. Join Peanut and Papa on their fun day together in Adventures of Papa and Peanut.
About the Author
Danté Shalia Elkins was born in Oregon City, Oregon. She went to school in Molalla, Oregon, until the age of eleven. Her second-grade teacher, Alice Oblack, who passed away in 2001, gave Danté the passion to read and write.
Since the early 2000s, Danté has called Utqiaġvik, Alaska, the northernmost city in the United States, home along with her two little girls and puppy, Lola. She loves hand sewing and resin art. The unique life in Utqiaġvik and beautiful imaginations of her children are what inspire her writing.
Learn more about Danté and Utqiaġvik at her website.
Publisher's Cataloging-in-Publication data
Names: Elkins, Danté Shalia, author. | VikkiReds, illustrator. Title: Adventures of Papa and Peanut / Danté Shalia Elkins; illustrated by VikkiReds. Series: The Peanut Books Description: Anchorage, AK: Fathom Publishing Company, 2023. | Summary: A story of the special bond between a little girl and her loving grandfather and the day of fun they spend together in their home town of Utqiaġvik, Alaska. Identifiers: LCCN: 2023900591 | ISBN: 978-1-954896-32-1 (hardcover) | 978-1-954896-33-8 (paperback) Subjects: LCSH Grandparents and grandchild--Juvenile fiction. | Winter--Juvenile fiction. | Alaska--Juvenile fiction. | BISAC JUVENILE FICTION / Family / Multigenerational | JUVENILE FICTION / Health & Daily Living / Daily Activities | JUVENILE FICTION / People & Places / Polar Regions Classification: LCC PZ7.1 .E55 Ad 2023 | DDC [E]--dc23