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Driving an old buckboard from an abandoned farm near Atlin

Vessels beached along Yukon River near Whitehorse

Kluane and Attu out for a drive in Atlin

Retrieving Ford pickup from 75 feet deep in Atlin Lake

Dominion Day 1970s parade in Atlin

Atlin Where Everyone Knows Your Dog's Name

A glimpse into a caring community

Atlin Where Everyone Knows your Dog's Name is much more than just a story about a boy's life in the Canadian north, it is a glimpse into the life and history of a caring community who worked together to accomplish unimaginable feats. It honors the hardworking, fun-loving men and women of Atlin, B.C., especially the most amazing, independent, talented women, of whom his mother was the most accomplished of them all.

This book brings alive the childhood experiences of a young boy growing up in a small remote town in Northern BC. Intertwined with his mother's writings, history, and humor, you find yourself reliving this life with him as his unique, vivid descriptions capture you and carry you along on his journey, immersing you in adventures incomprehensible to most.

🙶It is an absolute must read!🙷
Terry Milos, author of North of Familiar

Atlin, British Columbia

Brad grew up in Atlin, British Columbia, an isolated, northern, gold-rush town. In the late 1960s and early 1970s, Atlin was scratching its way back from becoming a footnote in a history book, only recently escaping its ghost town status. Amid the influx of new families, it was experiencing a rebirth, a modern day rush. Atlin survived and thrived on inclusion, acceptance and volunteerism. Civic duty was learned from early childhood and performed with pride.

Visit the Author's Website.

Publisher: Fathom Publishing Company

US Product Details

Retail: $24.95 paperback
ISBN 978-1-888215-81-6 Paperback
Dimensions: 6.14 x 9.21 inches
Pages: 380



Books a Million


Canada Product Details

Retail: $35.99 paperback
ISBN 978-1-888215-46-5 Paperback
Dimensions: 6 x 9 inches
Pages: 380

Mac's Fireweed Books

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