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Virtual Author Visits
For Schools, Libraries and Book Clubs

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Grade, Middle, and High School Visits

  • Motivate students to write and illustrate their own stories

  • Give a boost to your school’s writing program

  • Increase students’ enthusiasm for reading

  • Help your school meet the language arts curriculum goals

  • Help kids understand that writing is a career choice they can make

  • More tips for author visits

It's easy to host a Zoom author visit

Grade Schools

Fathom's children's picture books are ideal reading for grades pre-K through third grade and provide opportunities to learn about northern animals and life in Alaska. Children would enjoy hearing the stories read by the authors and having a chance to ask questions.

Suggested authors: Janice Schofield, Rachel J.E. Sprague, Connie Taylor

Fathom’s middle grade books are ideal for fourth grade and above. Some of our authors of memoirs and northern fiction could also share stories and experiences of life in the North.

Suggested authors: Teena Helmericks, W.R. Kozey, Bonnye Matthews, Bradford D. Smith

Middle and High Schools

Fathom's authors of northern biography can discuss their memoirs, read excerpts, and answer questions about life in Alaska and remote northern locations.

Suggested authors and editors: Teena Helmericks, W.R. Kozey, Bradford D. Smith

Teacher’s guides and a variety of free printable worksheets are available.

Ordering Books for Schools and Libraries

Library rates are available to schools wishing to purchase books for all students in a Zoom Author Visit. Click for Order Form and Terms.

Book Club and Library Author Visits

Fathom's authors of both children’s and adult books are pleased to meet with book clubs and participate in library author visits. Our authors of northern biography, memoir and fiction books are ideal for adult book clubs. Authors are happy to read their children's books to youth groups. Our authors enjoy sharing more about their stories and hearing from their readers.

Suggested authors and editors for book clubs: Teena Helmericks, W.R. Kozey, Bonnye Matthews, Janice J. Schofield, Bradford D. Smith, Nancy Verlinde

Suggested authors for children's readings are Bonnye Matthews, Janice J. Schofield, Rachael J.E. Sprague, and Constance Taylor

Ordering Books for Book Clubs

Book Club rates are available to book clubs wishing to purchase books for club members. Click for Book Club Order Form and Terms.

Fathom's Authors

Teena Helmericks

Author of Life on the Edge of the Arctic Ocean

Teena grew up on Alaska's North Slope, first in Barrow and then she and her husband raised their family on a remote island on the Colville River near the Arctic Ocean. Her stories of frontier living at the top of the world are fascinating.

Book club members will get to hear more about life in the wilderness and enjoy a question-and-answer time with Teena.

Many of her stories about her children's lives in remote northern Alaskawhere the sun does not even rise above the horizon for nearly 3 months in mid-winter and where seeing a bear hanging out in your front yard would be exciting for children to hear Teena read aloud.

W.R. Kozey

Author of the Northern Narratives Series: Tall Tales of Alaska: #1 Red Dog Saloon, #2 Juneau, AK and #3 Sitka, AK

Jerad’s books are fun journeys through some of the most iconic legends and folklore of Alaska. They read like you’re sitting across the counter from an old sourdough telling stories into the night.

Adult book club members will enjoy Jerad's story telling abilities and sharing laughs with him as they discuss his books and inspiration.

Children would enjoy hearing Jerad read some of the historic legends about these Alaskan towns.

Jerad is available from May through October.

Bonnye Matthews

Author of Arctic Dinosaurs of Alaska and Pakky's Tale.

Arctic Dinosaurs of Alaska is a middle grade book about a young pachyrhinosaurus growing up on the North Slope of Alaska.

It’s fiction, but based on real discoveries of dinosaur fossils in the Arctic. Pakky’s Tale simplifies the story so younger children can enjoy it.

Bonnye would enjoy sharing her story with students and discussing all the research she did and the things she learned about Arctic dinosaurs.

Janice J. Schofield Eaton

Author of children’s books Explore Alaska and A Home for Henry, plant books Discovering Wild Plants,  Alaska's Wild Plants, and The Wonders of Nettles, and Alaskan memoir Beyond Road’s End

Explore Alaska and A Home for Henry are grade school books. Janice can read the book to students and talk about developing the story for A Home for Henry. She can share many interesting Alaska facts based on activities in Explore Alaska.

Beyond Road’s End is a memoir of her days living across the bay from Homer, Alaska.

Janice is available for visits during the months of June through October.

Rachel J.E. Sprague

Author of Adaa's Story: The Remarkable Life of a Rescued Sea Otter

Rachel is the author and illustrator of Adaa’s Story, the true story of a lost baby sea otter that was rescued in Alaska and eventually found his way to the Seattle Aquarium where he became a beloved ambassador for sea otter conservation.

Rachel looks forward to sharing Adaa's Story with grade school children. She can discuss how sea otters are rescued and rehabilitated, and what you should do if you encounter an injured sea mammal on the beach.

She will teach the class how to draw a sea otter with easy step-by-step directions.

Bradford D. Smith

Author of Atlin: Where Everyone Knows Your Dog's Name and Murphy and the Mystery of the Black Skull

Editor of Diane Solie Smith's books The Way It Used to Be and Curiously Colorful Kids

Brad grew up in a small town in Atlin, BC, with the wilderness as his playground and enough creativity to find plenty of adventures. His memoir takes readers on a fascinating and heartfelt journey to a different time and place. Brad would be happy to read an excerpt and discuss any of his books with book clubs.

Murphy and the Mystery of the Black Skull is Brad’s first exciting mystery novel for middle grade readers. He would enjoy reading to grade school kids and answering questions about the book. He could also share with them some of his stories and what it was like growing up in a remote northern town.

Connie Taylor

Author of Growing Up in Alaska: A Baby Arctic Tern and Sik-Sik's Summer: An Arctic Ground Squirrel Tale

Connie's photography was the inspiration and illustration for these Alaska children's books that share the lives of Arctic terns and Arctic ground squirrels. Children enjoy watching the baby tern grow, and the ground squirrel enjoy her busy summer days, and they learn interesting facts about these Alaskan animals. Teacher’s guides and printable activity worksheets are available for both books.

Grade school children will enjoy hearing Connie read the stories and answer their questions. She can share fun videos she took of the terns and squirrels that will bring the characters to life.

Nancy Verlinde

Editor of Howard John Hunt's autobiography Saga of an Aviation Survivor

When Nancy grew up in the 1950s in Anchorage, Alaska, her father, Howard John Hunt, was starting an airline with routes including Anchorage-Seattle. Hunt served as a pilot in World War II and devoted the rest of his life to flying and salvaging airplanes.

Hunt's memoir is of interest to all teens and adults who want to learn about flying during the war, living in Alaska, and adventures while salvaging airplanes in remote locations.

Nancy looks forward to visiting with book club members and sharing her memories.

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