Think back to your school years. Remember your teachers and coaches. What organizations and school activities were you involved with. Here are some questions that may suggest story ideas.
- Who was your favorite teacher in grade school, high school or college? Why? What did you learn from them, just the subject at hand or another life lesson?
- Did you ever get sent to the principal? Remember any of the other school staff: the lunchroom lady? the janitor?
- Do you remember grade school or high school graduations?
- Were you in band or in a singing group?
- Do you still have your school yearbooks? Take a look though them for reminders of old friends. Sometimes reading the notes with signatures at the back will spark a long lost memory.
- What sports did you participate in? Who was coaching: a teacher or another kid’s dad? Did you just learn the rules of the game or did they encourage you to learn sportsmanship and team participation as well?
- Did you join an after-school group, a sorority or fraternity? What were some of the group activities? Have you kept in touch with the friends you made in those groups?